Linguistic Landscapes im neokommunikativen Französischunterricht: eine sinnvolle Ergänzung?
Hauptsächlicher Artikelinhalt
This article gives a general overview of the possibilities of using Linguistic Landscapes for teaching French. We adopt the neo-communicative teaching approach as a theoretical framework, which can be described by pedagogical principles such as action orientation or learner orientation. We will argue that Linguistic Landscape walks can help to raise awareness of the linguistic diversity of public space and to reflect on sociolinguistic and language policy issues. To exemplify this claim, three pedagogical ideas for the promotion of language awareness, intercultural competencies as well as for vocabulary learning will be presented.
Eibensteiner, Lukas. „Linguistic Landscapes Im Neokommunikativen Französischunterricht: Eine Sinnvolle Ergänzung?“. In Erwerb Und Praxis Sprachlicher Und Kultureller Vielfalt in Europa, herausgegeben von Eric Castagne und Johannes Müller-Lancé, 85–104. Mannheim Conference Series. Mannheim, 2023. Zugegriffen März 14, 2025.